2023 Bachelor of Political Science Cyclical Program Review Implementation Update of Cycle 2

Implementation Plan

Recommendation Proposed Follow-up Responsibility for Leading Follow-up Timeline for Addressing Recommendation
1. The Committee recommends the mainstreaming of gender in the Political Science curriculum. Program will work with professors offering existing courses at RMC. Department Head and departmental members In fall 2023, the course on Gender issues was proposed and approved. The course will be offered for the first time during AY 2024-25.
2. The Committee recommends that the Department consider expanding the indigenization of the curriculum. A committee on the Indigenization of curriculum for RMC is pending.  Will require departmental input. Dept. will identify SME within for continuous engagement.

Department Head; Departmental members; Associate Vice principal: Indigenous, Knowledge and Learning

Autumn 2023 through Fall 2025. Evaluation of progress Summer 2024 and Summer 2025
3. The Committee recommends ending the discrepancy in teaching loads across departments at RMC. The Dept. will review the findings of the workload committee report. Subsequent recommendations for work reductions will be reviewed by the Dean to ensure consistency across all program.

Department Head; Dean of SSH; VPA; Principal; CMCFA

Fall 2023 with completion after the report on Workload
4. The Committee recommends that the Department examine how to reduce administrative hurdles faced by Faculty, notably in their research endeavours. Department will review and make recommendations to the Dean of SSH on possible improvements.

Department Head; Departmental members; Dean of SSH; Principal; CMCFA

Proposal to the Dean of SSH by Winter 2025
5. The Committee recommends that mechanisms be put in place to help cooperation, limit overlap and maximize complementarity between the Political Science program at RMC Kingston and the International Studies program at RMC St. Jean. The Dept. Head of Politics with Program Chair of MSS to open regular communication with RMC-SJ faculty. The department representative in existing discussions with RMC-SJ will propose establishing a more institutionalized arrangement for cooperation and discussion. Discussion will include the expansion of dual-delivery and online options for RMC and RMC-SJ students. As a preliminary step the Dean of SSH will speak with Dr. Parenteau to determine RMC-SJ support.

Department  Head; RMC registrar; Dean of SSH; CMR’s Director of Academics

Updated annually in June
6. Review Curriculum and course offerings 

Department head to establish a committee(s) to complete the following tasks:

  • Advise on balance of electives and mandatory courses
  • Consider certificate offerings and course combinations
  • Audit course Learning Objectives (LOs) against Degree Level Expectations (DLEs)
  • Ensure consistency and logic in the course distribution across the programme's structure
  • Develop a list of courses not offered in the last five years and consider removing them from the inventory
  • Ensure minimum overlap across course offerings
  • Student discussion forum

Dept. Head; Person in charge (faculty member)

Fall 2024 – Winter 2025
7. Develop a communications strategy to ensure students have a better understanding of the structure of the program and its requirements Dept. Head to designate faculty member to complete this task. Use of student forum on Moodle as a communications tool.

Dept. Head; Person in charge (faculty member)

Updated annually in June
8. Promote Politics major to Francophone students Reach out to first year Francophone students to encourage them to choose Politics as a major. Consider appointing an academic advisor for Francophone students.

Dept. Head; Person in charge and Student representative

Updated annually in June
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