Academic Accommodations


Accommodation Coordinator
Norbert Lepage
613-541-6000 ext. 4676 CSN: 271-4676

What are academic accommodations?

An academic accommodation is an adaptation in instruction, environment, evaluation, or any combination of the preceding for the purpose of eliminating barriers to academic achievement for students experiencing learning difficulties.  Accommodations allow students with disabilities, or other limitations to fully access the curriculum through support measures which may include adjustments to their learning opportunities and environment. 

RMC categorizes accommodations based on the limitation which gives rise to their necessity: either medical, or for a learning disability.   

RMC provides academic accommodations by means which include, but are not limited to:

  • A quiet space to write exams
  • Providing extra time to complete exams
  • Providing technological support in certain circumstances

What academic accommodations are not?

Academic accommodations are not modifications to a learning program. They do not alter the content, the learning outcomes or the objectives, and they do not lower the requirements of any course or program.

Who can request academic accommodations?

  • Officer Cadets
  • Military students
  • Civilian students
  • Undergraduate students
  • Post-graduate students

How to request and receive academic accommodations:

Any student who requires academic accommodations for either a learning disability or for a medical condition must attend an intake interview and sign up for the services, with the academic accommodations co-ordinator.

Medical Accommodations offered for:

  • short term medical conditions which may temporarily disrupt normal academic life
  • chronic long term health conditions that may impact various aspects of academic life

All requests for medical accommodations require supportive medical documentation that includes the recommended accommodations appropriate to the condition(s).

Learning Disabilities:

Academic accommodations for learning disabilities at the Royal Military College of Canada, for officer-cadets and military students, are regulated by the CF under DAOD5516-5, Learning Disabilities Accommodation during Recruiting Training and Education.

The duty to accommodate is the obligation of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces to adopt measures to eliminate disadvantage to current and prospective Department of National Defence employees, Canadian Armed Forces members and applicants to the Canadian Armed Forces, as a result of a rule, policy, practice or barrier that has or may have an adverse impact on individuals or designated groups protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act or the Employment Equity Act. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 694596)

  • Under this DAOD5516-5, military members and prospective cadets are strongly encouraged but not required to disclose their learning disability.
  • In order to receive the accommodations, officer cadets will have to follow the disclosure process outlined in the document, and officially request academic accommodations from the Director Personnel Generation Requirements (DPGR), through their chain of command.
  • The Academic Accommodation Office will implement the DPGR approved accommodations.
  • Civilian students need to meet with the accommodation co-ordinator and provide valid documentation.

Requirements for valid documentation, for students requesting accommodation for a learning disability:

  • Availability of a complete psycho-educational or neuropsychological assessment completed at 18 years of age 
    • or within the last (3) three years
  • must include a diagnosis, functional limitations and recommended accommodations
  • must be performed by a qualified and registered licensed professional
  • Students will be referred to a specialist for an assessment by their chain of command if valid documentation is not available.

Accommodations for language assessments with the Public Service of Canada

Please note this process for academic accommodations is not valid for Public Service testing such as second language testing.

For further information please visit the Public Service language profile testing - Assessment accommodation

Religious or Spiritual Accommodation

RMC is committed to respecting the religious and spiritual needs and practices of all members of the University community. Students requiring academic accommodations for exams scheduled on a day that conflicts with a religious holiday must inform their professor and the Accommodations Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the final exam and as soon as possible for tests and quizzes.

For all other accommodations related to a religious or spiritual need, please contact the Accommodations Coordinator. For students in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), please note the following DAOD 5516-3 Religious or Spiritual Accommodation.

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