Emergency Services | Contact Information |
33 Health Services Center –CDU3 [Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (EST)] [Saturday 10:a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (booked appointment)] |
613-541-5010 x 6310 or for emergency: x 5330 |
Ambulance (24/7) | 613-544-5555 |
Emergency (24/7) | 911 |
Kingston Police (24/7) | 613-549-4660 |
Military Police (24/7) | 613-541-5648 |
Support Services | Contact Information |
Your Supervisor / Chain of Command | Varies |
33 Health Services Center - RMC Det M-F Sick Parade - 0730 hrs |
613-541-5010 x 6310 or 6994 |
Canadian Armed Forces Sexual Misconduct Response Centre Hours: 24/7 |
1-844-750-1648 / Call collect: 613-996-3900 DND.SMRC-CIIS.MDN@forces.gc.ca |
CFB Kingston Mental Health Services | 613-541-5010 x 5776 |
Chaplains and 24/7 Duty Chaplain | RMC Duty Chaplain: 613-539-1463 |
DND/CAF Ombudsman A direct source of information, referral and education |
1-888-828-3626 / ombudsman-communications@forces.gc.ca |
Family Information Line (24/7) Confidential, supportive counselling can connect a caller with helpful national and local resources |
1-800-866-4546 |
Integrated Personnel Support Center (IPSC) | 613-541-5010 x 5668 |
Member / Employee Assistance Program (MAP/EAP) (24/7) Confidential short-term professional counselling service |
1-800-268-7708 |
Military Family Resource Centre Support & intervention |
613-541-5010 x 5195 or x 3296 |
NPF Employee and Family Assistance Program | 1-800-387-4765 |
Workplace Relation Advisors (WRA) | 613-541-6000 ext 6208 |
Support - Community Resources | Contact Information |
Frontenac Community Mental Health Services Crisis line (24/7) | 613-544-4229 or 1-866-616-6005 |
Kingston General Hospital (KGH) (24/7) | 613-548-3232 or for emergency: 613-548-2333 |
KGH Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Program (24/7) |
613-549-6666 x 4880 |
Sexual Assault Centre Kingston (24/7) Crisis and support line |
613-544-6424 1-877-544-6424 |
On-campus Reporting Options | Contact Information |
Your Supervisor / Chain of Command / any member of the Canadian Armed Forces | Varies |
Campus Security Control Center (SCC) (24/7) | 613-541-6000 x 6666 x6209 Gate House |
RMC Duty Watch (24/7) | Officer of the Day (OOD): 613-483-3024 Duty Watch Room: 8351 |
RMC Security Advisor | 613-541-6000 x 6118 |