MCS - Laboratories

Main Laboratories

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has two main laboratories used in teaching. Students and professors from the department can also use them to work on their assignments or courses when there are no classes.

Software available in our laboratories include:

  • Android Studio - To develop applications for smartphones and tablets
  • Adobe Acrobat - To produce PDF documents
  • Eclipse - To Program in Java
  • Maple - To solve mathematical problems analytically
  • Matlab - For scientific computing and simulations
  • Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio - Visual C++, C#, F#, Basic, etc.
  • Miktex - To produce latex (math) documents
  • MySQL - A database server
  • Python - To Program in Python

Students in our department also have access to a number of Microsoft products through our Microsoft DreamSpark Academic license that can be downloaded and installed on their personnal computer for academic purpose.

Visual Paradigm

 Use of VP is made available to Royal Military College of Canada by the Academic Partner Program fromVisual Paradigm for educational purpose.



G331/SSN27 - 10 seats
The G331 Computer Lab


G326/SSC20 - 20 seats
The SSN20 Computer Lab


Mathematics Everywhere

Corridors of the Department of Mathematics and Computer ScienceTo do good math, you only need a blackboard and some space. The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has a number of blackboards installed in a nice naturally lighted environment with comfortable couches and coffee tables, ready to work with. Students and professsors enjoy working in this great convivial environment, discuss and solve mathematical or computer science problems.


Flight Simulator and Robotic Lab

Lab Head: Dr. Yawei Liang

G333, AI and C2 Lab - The 3-degrees-of-freedom flight simulator at work
The 3-degrees-of-freedom flight simulator chair
G333, AI and C2 Lab - The NAO V5 Evolution robot

Machine Learning Lab

Lab Head: Dr. Francois Rivest

The small e-puck robot
Poster excerpt - Learning to Predict Events On-line: A Semi-Markov Model for Reinforcement Learning
Poster - Learning to Predict Events On-line: A Semi-Markov Model for Reinforcement Learning
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