Marie-Claude Juneau

Marie-Claude Juneau
M.Sc, CD
Hewett House - Room 309
(613) 541 5010 ext 7152
(613) 541 6822
Department of Military Psychology and Leadership

College Address

Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario, CANADA
K7K 7B4

Lt(N) Juneau is a Personnel Selection Officer (PSEL O) who joined the MPL department in 2018. As a Canadian Armed Forces Officer, she explored different work environments such as Recruiting (CFRG HQ), Special Forces (CANSOFCOM-CSOR), Policy & Selection (DPGR-4), Strategic Headquarters (Navy Command, CDA and MILPERSGEN). She holds an Undergrad degree in Clinical Psychology with a minor in Neuroscience, a specialization in Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) and a Master degree in Industrial and Organizational (I-O) Psychology. Her Master’s degree work looked at Assessment Centers (AC), more specifically “How ACs’ Assessors Cognitive Abilities impact their decision-making/judgment process and rating accuracy”. Lt(N) Juneau is strongly interested in Behavior Modeling, Work Behaviors, Mentorship, Counselling, Recruiting, Selection, Personality Traits and Cognitive Psychology. She likes to mix and match different dimensions of Psychology to get a new perspective in order to adapt to new contexts and more importantly, to open minds! She is also a French Tutor at RMC Writing Center, contributing to RMC students’ success in French. Lt(N) Juneau wish to eventually begin her Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology, but she is presently defining her doctoral work topic!!!

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