RMC is Living Through a Historical Moment - Help the RMC Museum Capture the Story

The Royal Military College community and the world at large is in the midst of history in the making.

RMC has a long history of standing strong and adapting in times of crisis and the community’s response to COVID-19 is no different. The Coronavirus has completely altered the general day to day of the life at RMC. Classes are being taken online, a majority of the college is working from home, we have been social distancing from our friends and loved ones for weeks, events we’ve looked forward to for months/years are being cancelled and many more. We have remained strong and have adapted ourselves to weather this storm.

While COVID-19 is very much in our present, eventually it will be a part of our past. The RMC Museum is responsible for capturing and preserving the history of the Royal Military College for future generations and we need your help to share the COVID-19 response to the future RMC Community.

The story of RMC is built from the administrative protocols and standing orders of the college, but more importantly, it is formed by the personal stories of RMC’s Cadets, Staff, Essential Services, Volunteers and families that make up the RMC Community. In order to get the full record of RMC during the Coronavirus pandemic, we need your stories.

How has COVID-19 affected your daily life and routine? What’s changed? What’s stayed the same? What do you miss? These are the kinds of questions we want to know!

Send us your stories, pictures, thoughts, worries, acts of kindness, videos, art, poetry etc etc. There are no limits!

Your submission may be used by the Museum in future for research or exhibition purposes and will help preserve the history of the college for future generations

Help the Museum capture this historic moment in RMC’s history and be a part of the narrative.

Thank you for your ongoing support and the museum wishes you all good health now and in the coming months.

To get more information or to submit your story please contact the Museum’s Curator .

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