2023 Graduate Programs in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Cyclical Program Review Implementation Plan Update of Cycle 1

The department conducts annual reviews of the PG program in the form of a faculty meeting. The last few years have been focused on the issues of functionality. These were owing to the COVID pandemic and cyber attack, both occuring in the Spring of 2020. Both of these incidents had significant effect on research at RMC. The first was to limit access to the building and labs although individual graduate students got permission to work in their laboratories, classes went remote. The second incident affected the ability to run programs (eg. Labview) that require contact with a host server. Restoring these services and/or replacing the software became a more urgent focus as opposed to administrative structure. That said, the previous IQAP review (2015) made seventeen (17) recommendations and progress has been made on virtually all of them. the significant change in the last year involves the attribution of learning outcomes (LOs) for MASc, MSc, and PhD programs. These LOs have been mapped to the appropriate courses and will be summarized in the Self Study Report (SSR) due in Fall 2023. We are also making progress on standardizing research CVs. Only the active recommendations from the 2015 FAR are presented in the table below.

Implementation Plan

Recommendation Proposed Follow-up and Resource Implications Responsibility for Leading Follow-up Timeline for Addressing Recommendation
1. Separate objectives and outccomes for Masters degrees To be included in subsequent Self-Study Report (SSR) Head of Program Fall 2023
2. Provide learning outcomes for PG programs To be included in subsequent SSR IQAP Coordinator Fall 2023 (completed)
3. Present list of compulsary courses To be included in subsequent SSR Head of Program Fall 2023
4. Provide indications of significant innovation or creativity To be included in subsequent SSR Head of Program Fall 2023
5. Review course requirements To be included in subsequent SSR IQAP Coordinator Fall 2023
6. Clarify governance structure To be included in subsequent SSR Dean of Grad Studies Fall 2023
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