Facilities and Services - Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Scanning Electron Microscope


The Quanta 250 environmental SEM is capable of imaging micro- and nanostructures with a variety of detectors for both secondary and backscattered electrons. The SEM is equipped with an EDAX EDS detector for elemental x-ray analysis.

Personnel can be trained to use the Quanta or have the analysis done by the SEM technologist. Non-RMC personnel can contact Dr. Snelgrove with inquiries about the analysis.

Contact Information:

Dr. Jennifer Snelgrove
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Royal Military College of Canada
11 General Crerar Crescent
Kingston, ON, Canada, K7K 4B4

Phone: 1-613-541-6000 x6053


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Bruker NMR

The Avance III HD 400MHz Bruker Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instrument is equipped with multinuclear broadband Fluorine Observe Smart Probe (5 mm sample diameter) with digital tuning.  It is capable of running various 1D analyses such as:  1H NMR, 13C NMR, 19F NMR, 15N NMR, and 31P NMR (with 1H decoupling capability) as well as 2D experiments such as: COSY, HETCOR, HSQC and HMBC etc.  The high temperature analyses can be performed up to 150°C using Bruker Smart Variable Temperature (BSVT) control unit, with digital control module for various polymeric and glass samples.

RMC personnel can be trained to run their analyses or have the analysis done by the NMR technologist. Non-RMC personnel can contact Dr. Bavarian with inquiries about the analysis.

Contact Information:

Dr. Neda Bavarian
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Royal Military College of Canada
11 General Crerar Crescent
Kingston, ON, K7K 4B4

Phone: 613-541-6000 x6051


X-ray Diffractometer


The Malvern-Panalytical Empyrean multi-purpose X-ray diffractometer (XRD) is capable of wide angle (WAXS), small angle (SAXS) and ultra small angle X-ray scattering (USAXS) analyses of materials. This includes phase identification and quantification, crystallinity determination, structure determination and refinement, X-ray reflectometry, thin film stress, orientation, micro-diffraction, texture and stress analysis. The Empyrean is equipped with PIXcel3D, as well as a sealed proportional detector. Sample stages allow for the analysis of powders and solids in reflection or transmission geometries.

RMC personnel can be trained to use the Empyrean XRD or have the analysis performed by the XRD technologist. For researchers external to RMC, please contact the undersigned.

The Olympus BTX Profiler powder XRD and XRF instrument provides structural phase analysis (XRD), as well as elemental analysis of materials via energy dispersive XRF.

Contact Information:

Bob Whitehead
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Royal Military College of Canada
11 General Crerar Crescent
Kingston, ON, K7K 4B4

Email: Bob.Whitehead@rmc-cmr.ca
Phone: 613-541-6000 x3638


Chemical Storeroom

The Chemical Storeroom maintains a stock of commonly used chemicals, solvents and laboratory supplies and consumables required for teaching laboratories and research.  

Contact Information:

Dave Twigg
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Royal Military College of Canada
11 General Crerar Crescent
Kingston, ON, Canada, K7K 4B4

Email: Dave.Twigg@rmc-cmr.ca
Phone: 1-613-541-6000 x3890


Electronics Shop

The Electronics Shop in the Chemisty and Chemical Engineering Department offers service and repair to equipment and electronic devices that support undergraduate and graduate research. Some of the services include planning, design, development, prototyping and end product.  

Services Provided

  • Repair of all laboratory equipment
  • Design and manufacture of custom laboratory equipment
  • Computer repairs and upgrades to both hardware and software 
  • Electronic diagnostics and component level repairs

Contact Information:

Michael Libbey-Griffin
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Royal Military College of Canada
11 General Crerar Crescent
Kingston, ON, K7K 4B4

Email: michael.libbey-griffin@rmc-cmr.ca
Phone: 613-541-6000 x3711


Mechanical Shop

The Chemistry and Chemical Engineering mechanical shop offers a broad range of machine shop services that support undergraduate and graduate students.  Some of the services include feasibility evaluation, conception, development, production, planning, and fabrication of experimental prototypes or scientific mechanical components.  

Expertise is available in the following areas:

  • Precision machining and sheet metal fabrication
  • Cad Cam programming
  • CNC Mill and lathe capability
  • Rapid prototyping (3D Printer)
  • Laser cutting and engraving
  • Specialised welding techniques 
  • Laboratory vacuum systems design and repair
  • High pressure systems and helium leak testing
  • Scientific equipment installation  and maintenance
  • Lab equipment service and repair

Contact Information:

Clarence McEwen
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Royal Military College of Canada
11 General Crerar Crescent
Kingston, ON, K7K 4B4

Email: Clarence.McEwen@rmc-cmr.ca
Phone: 613-541-6000 x6606

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