History Department

News from the department

John Keess, "Canada’s Long-Term Strategic Limitations: Technology and Strategic Choice in Defence Debates, 1887-1959", Scientia Canadensis, June 2024. 

Caroline D'Amours, Hannah Young, and Catherine Mavriplis, The Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering Program, April 2024. 

History Undergraduate Programme

This page contains the programme requirements for for the undergradute history programme at the Royal Military College of Canada.

Undergraduate History Courses

Course descriptions for the undergraduate history courses at the Royal Military College of Canada.

War Studies Programmes

The programme requirements and course descriptions for the War Studies programme at the Royal Military College of Canada.

Staff of the History Department

View of Fort Frederick

Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario CANADA
K7K 7B4

Tel: 613-541-6000 extension 6607

Fax: 613-541-6056

Email: Suzanne.Robertson@rmc.ca

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